"The Government is split," spoke Gary to Bio-Beast. "Some of it is for us, some of it is against us. Right now, we're at an impasse, and every wrong move we take can be our end. As for Aperture and Avalon, well, the first one is a major corporation, equal if not more powerful than mine, which specializes in technology, more specifically, high-end cybernetics, as well as weapons, many of them Anti-Metahuman. Avalon is a prison they run for the Anti-Metahuman factions in the Government, the largest and most fortified privatized prison in US History. It is equipped with AA Guns, Minefields, Shields, Lasers, and scanning equipment; the only reason we were able to infiltrate it was a combination of giving a favor to the President's Chief of Staff, and two powers that work in tandem." Speaking of those two powers, Cedric was not part of the conference, and neither was Constantine after he begun it. Rather, the two were eating Elena's spicy food. "Anyway," spoke Gary, "raiding it or blowing it up, it's something that requires a master plan, and that is where you guys, as well as my guys here, come in. We need to develop a plan." ------ Nikolai, if he chased rumors, would find two targets: One was StuCorp, which would be too high-profile, and the other was a whorehouse that the StuCorp Building was sending encrypted signals to.