Praxis couldn't help but giggle at seeing Aruna uncomfortably helpless. It was a side of her he certainly hadn't seen yet, and he was sure she didn't want him or anyone else seeing it. It made him notice, however, that she had been crying earlier - which had clearly triggered the sad reaction from him - and he suddenly no longer enjoyed it. "Only because you asked nicely," he said with a smug grin before looking down in surprise. "... and because I'm 90% sure you just healed my leg. You didn't have to do that; it just hurt a bit. But, uh... thanks." His gratitude came out almost in question form, not entirely certain if he should thank her. [i]Holy... ugh. My social skills really have plummeted.[/i] "Alright," he continued, kneeling down next to her a bit. "You won't freak out if I pick you up to your feet, right?" Although he asked, he had no intention of waiting for an answer. Suddenly, he lightly put his hands under her arms and stood her up and ducked under her left arm and steadied her with his right arm. "Sorry, I just felt like you wouldn't," he snickered again. "Also, don't be so embarrassed." He was referring to how she had been looking at the people staring back at her earlier, all of which now seemed more interested in the chasm then the scene Praxis and Aruna had caused."Who cares what these people think? They probably have all kinds of weird races and weirder names... that old lady is definitely weird," he babbled absently, gesturing toward the old woman who had spoke to him earlier. "Although I think she might know something useful about whatever this is. I've certainly never seen anything like it..." his voice seemed to trail off as the pair approached the large gap, almost as if his voice had fallen into the darkness at the bottom of it, just like the rocks and dirt people were kicking and throwing in around him. It was just as astonishing as before, seeming to have it's own conscious omniscience about it, which only felt stronger now that Praxis saw the the dim glowing membrane that apparently signaled the breaking of Yggdrasil itself under it's protective bark. Praxis noticed now that they were all standing on leaves and dirt, meaning whatever made this hole had went through not only leaves and bark but plenty of actual earth to make the chasm. After a few seconds of staring, Praxis had almost forgotten he had been speaking. "... have you?"