Catman laughed when Deathstroke tried to throw Ravager at him, and Catman easily avoided the human projectile. He was about to make a snide remark when the voice of Amanda Waller came over the speakers. So they were are gathered to be a part of a team and if they didn't comply then they would have their heads blown off. Great, that's just what he needed, to be a part of group of arrogant losers and become the government's lapdog, sometimes he really hated his bad luck and this was one of those times. "I hate this" he said to himself, and then watched the Reverse Flash move at supersonic speed and snap the neck of a guard. They now needed to break out of the prison, it certainly was an interesting first mission and he wondered why the government couldn't have just had them released instead of having crack some skulls in an attempt to escape. No matter, he was glad to get some real practice with his fighting skills. "You heard the lady, let's get the hell out of this shithole!" he said to the others and charged towards several guards. Two of them had guns but Catman smiled as he threw two of his very sharp caterangs at them with incredible speed and hit them right on the head killing them. He then took on the other three with his superb hand to hand combat skills and utilized his the razors on his gauntlets to hack and slash wildly at his opponents causing blood to fly in several directions. The three guards barely got a chance to do anything before he tore into them like a wild cat. "If you ladies just want to stand there and wait to be rescued by Batman or Superman then by all means stay and get your head blown off, but I'm getting out of here" he said to Deathstroke, Captain Boomerang and Ravager.