Cyn was clad in a dark suit of kevlar fabric she'd put together herself and she thought of it as her Copy Cat uniform.. She had been wearing it now for three weeks as she fought crime in China Town and was already feared by the Tong there. Several days ago she'd received what amounted to an invitation to join a super hero group that was forming to fight crime as a team. She didn't know if this were a legit invite or a chance at revenge so this day she brought her A-game, she was as they say loaded for bear. Normally she kept the number of weapons she carried down to only a few preferring her collapsible fighting staff over anything else she could carry. Today she carried flash-bang grenades, eight 1 once stun shafts that looked like king size tootsie rolls, six throwing spikes, 32 half ounce ball bearings, her 2 tonfa 8 foot bull whip and twin sai backed by two jute. She was a master in the use of many martial art weapons along with several fighting styles. She'd chosen her hero name Copy Cat as a reflection of her unique ability to repeat any physical action that her body could perform. She was also an excellent shot because of her ability but chose not to carry lethal weapons because she was also Buddhist and life even that of a criminal scared to her. She dropped down before a door that was marked by the address she sought and that she'd spent the last three hours watching. Entering CC followed the only path presented till she eventually comes to walk appears the end of her journey. The room is appointed with comfortable couches Large TV slash Monitors as well as several computer work stations and a really big guy in trench coat and Hat. t is obvious that this man is trying to hide his appearance and her talent is screaming that either he is crippled or his stance and balance isn't human [B]Greetings Stranger[/B] she says using a thick accent and face mask to disguise her true self [B]I am called Copy Cat and it is I hope a pleasure to meet you[/B] she adds with a slight bow of respect.