"My apologies. I was under the impression that you would know." Trig nodded slowly while forming a smile. He stepped away once again, folding his arms behind him.The creature bit his lip to vent frustration. The more he thought about them the more he let his mind wander: how could someone steal [i]all[/i] of them? Trig was tearing himself apart about this, unconventionally when compared to the others in the room. Nah, he'd be alright. All he needed was his stuff back, simple as that, then perhaps he could calm down. Trig just needed to ask some more people, or whoever was more resourceful about the situation... what about that girl who read from the plaque earlier? She should know what the hell is going on. Before he could ask Yuno for the third time, the maid had actually said something of interest. Question. Like his question? That checked out in his book, even if it was another speech. He moved away from the girl he was pestering and after the maid. This whole ordeal was almost mocking Trig, insulting who he was. He wanted to see who this mistress was... inside his mind fumbled around the feeling of excitement. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [centre][b]Prologue: Trig and Red[/b][/centre] "For example, people with red hair are prone to be dicks~" "[b]You[/b] have red hair." "Well... yeah, but you don't see me going around stealing things do ya?" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ During the commotion of the Maid's entrance, another figure slithered besides Fry. Keeping profiled away from him with eyes locked forward, arms crossed sternly and some sweat forming on her forehead, Red was considerably upset. She kept quiet for sometime, contemplating her next words carefully. Knowing that she was not the best at saying clever things challenged her to speak. In the end, as is with most situations, she would just revert to crumby insults and threats. "Hey Redhead," her whispers were sharp and quick. "I'll be more than happy to take [u][i]it[/i][/u] back when things quiet down." She trembled uncontrollably as she spoke, daring not to look at the neighboring bandit.