[quote=The Silver Paladin] Romulus Aquilus Medicine Battlefield medicine Unless you have images of the armor of The Blood Dragons [/quote] Accepted. I'm going to take Medicine as a mod for drug mixing and battlefield medicine as a mod for first aid? [b]It's worth pointing out that my SAO knowledge is limit so I encourage players to point things out if they aren't cannon (or are overly non-cannon).[/b] I did actually have an image in mind for the [url=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/226/1/7/what_was_taken_by_nightmaregk13-d46imvn.png]Blood Dragons Armour[/url], and the helmet is believed to exploit a bug which prevents the users name from being visible. [quote=Hoosier1124] Umikaze Umiko [/quote] Your character is fine, however could you please replace the non-existent pic? You've not included her background either, which is fine if you want to keep it hidden until later or if you're waiting for me to give more information about the rp. [quote=Nallore] Ray The Red Knight [/quote] Accepted [quote=Master Crim] Holy expletive! I am totes interested but don't have the time! T_TI will sub and read the whole thing, and if you don't mind I would like to be able to chat with y'all in the OOC when it comes. [/quote] That's completely fine. I don't think I'm going to bother putting a player limit on this rp either, meaning there'll always be a spot there waiting for you :) [quote=Konica] Princess Melody [/quote] I really like your character [b]BUT[/b] as Borei point out: there's no magic in SAO (or at least not outside of items and such). --- Also this is to everyone. Whilst most of the grammar I've seen has been fine, I think everyone (including myself) is prone to making some mistakes here and there. I'm not [i]incredibly[/i] fussy but I would like it if people could do their best to appeal to my inner grammar nazi. If people post terrible grammar (e.g. "The group took there shield and went to the woods and found monsters, the monsters were red and mean, Kisheto poped at them and then they went home".) I will give them a strike. Three strikes and you're out. Might seem harsh but I personally think that awful grammar can actually ruin an rp sometimes.