Ceres finished her food, then decided to stay up for a little while longer. She had slept quite well, and wanted her handover to pass a little before actually going to sleep again. Plus the sky was mostly clear, so it was nice out as well. Though after about an hour she too headed to bed. No use in staying up now, and then wasting her day by sleeping in. Unfortunately the only place where no men were sleeping was in the kitchen. So still feeling terrible from the hangover, she had do drag her hammock over to the kitchen, and hang it up there. [i]"No way I'm sleeping in the same room as all those men. I'm not stupid."[/i] She though to herself as she tried to ropes again. Plus, this gave her a way to keep an eye on her supplies until she could buy a lock. The next morning Ceres got up around 8 again. Just those few extra hours of rest had done her good, and she felt a lot better now. Ready to set sail at any time, after she went out on a quick errand run at least. But considering how everyone was still recovering from hangovers they probably weren't about to set sail within the hour. As she set out she again noted the new name the ship had been given. It was a curious name, so she once again made a note to ask Octavius about it. "Be back in half an hour or so! Tell the captain he better not leave without me!" She shouted as she stepped onto the docks.