Shuo's shields popped with a loud ringing noise that in basic was the same noise they used to train you that you were dead in war games. He supposed it made sense, after all if your shields had been dropped in actual combat you needed to get down or you were dead. He quickly looked at the top of his HUD to find his charge. 47% left, If this fight lasted long enough his suit could charge the weapon back up but that would require him turning off his shields. He leaned against the wall and crouched down and walked "up" towards the once ceiling of the building. He had been using the same location for longer than he would have liked but zero-g warfare was not his area of expertise. What he wouldn't give for a naval marine detachment right now. That was when he heard the comm call out's "This is Aereo 2-5, I have a targeting solution on all individuals. Looks like I'm pulling your ass out of the fire." The female voice was being rather sloppy with radio discipline but he supposed he couldn't say a damn thing right now. Shuo sighed and pinged the gunship to begin opening fire."Standby." promptly went out. He watched as the two weapons mounted on the chin of the gunship began silently firing and releasing gas at the base of them. They tracked around fast to multiple positions, the AI was most likely handling the shots and it didn't miss. Then a large blob of plasma erupted from one of the wing mounted weapons. He assumed it was firing one of the extra-small plasma torpedoes at it's disposal. He watched as blue light suddenly bathed the ship and the surrounding area. The guns continued tracking for a moment and then the female came over again. "All vector's neutralized. I'm authorized to tow your team over to your ship if you wish." It occurred to Shuo that she didn't really care about any further maybe even unnecessary damage to the station. After all this was a private mining organization why should we care? Shuo smiled to himself, that is why he loved his statesmen so. "I think we will take that ride Aereo. Get near the one I'm marking for you for pick up. The rest of us will jet over." Shuo said as he placed a green outline around Shiva with his thoughts. The gunship couldn't carry them in any hold but there were hand holds for just this situation located around the hull. Shuo deactivated his boots and jumped out towards the now sideways gunship. His stomach dropped for the moment he was not holding onto anything and being subject to nothing but momentum. He reached his hands out and grabbed onto two handholds near the cockpit of the ship. It quickly thrustered to compensate for his energy being added to the ship. He watched as they inched closer to Shiva who would now be able to grab rungs near the wing. Hopefully they could get out and back to the Humming bird quick. He didn't like this floating around.