The woman looks around at them. "Yes, I realize that it would be difficult to get rid of all evil here." She stares the man down. "Evil always stays, which means we will always be here. It becomes born again and it always renewed. No matter what we do, there will always be evil." She gives a soft mysterious smile. "But we can at least slow evil's pace down enough to where we can almost halt it in its tracks. We will not destroy it forever; it will always come back, but what we can do is get rid of as much as we can now and be an emblem for those in the city too afraid to stand up for themselves." She turns to the man who asked if she would lead them. "I will be leading you. If anyone has a problem with that, then you can just leave now. I will also not tolerate any smart ass comments that are made toward me or anyone else in the team." She stares them all down, looking pointedly at the Candy King and John when she says the last sentence. "If you have a problem with anyone on the team, you come to me. If I get a problem with you..." Her voice fades. "Let's just hope I don't get a problem with you." ---- Leo turns to face this woman. She gives an inspirational speech and once she is done, he immediately thinks of his old sensei. She sounds almost exactly like he did when he was teaching him and his brothers. He smiles once she finishes and crosses his arms across his chest, looking around for anyone else to make a comment.