[u][i]Carmen "Lily" Santo.[/i][/u] --- Another Meta-human was walking up inside the crowd. That nagging feeling in the back of her head alerted her of the super-human that was approaching fast. That was the call to put this stuff away before anyone asks her. She clenched the money around the vial and jammed it into her pocket before she did anything. She focused and poised to scan whoever was the new Meta. Uhhh, wait, too late. Whoever this is has already walked up, the footsteps confirmed it - Dammit! She should have been paying more attention. Alright, she could just politely say something to this person, turn around, and walk off... Hm, well she thought that she should get a good look at this person before she walked off. Lily kept one foot firmly in place, while pivoting around with the other, turning her shoulders around, and then her head. She gave this girl a quick look-down. Around the same height, and actually has a pretty similar build. Bangs, and an obviously dyed hair color that made Lily think back to the times when her hair was dyed purple. But that was insignificant compared to what [i]DID[/i] catch her eye. This girl was wearing a brown dress and stocking, which didn't bother Lily all that much other than the fact that this girl looked like she was overcompensating for something. But it was those [i]reindeer antlers[/i]. "Tis the Season" gone horribly wrong. What self respecting girl would walk around with those on her head? Maybe one that was homeschooled for a [i]lil[/i] too long and still believed in Santa. That was just, just... Okay, she felt that was a little mean. She looked around briefly to try to distract herself - busting out laughing would not be the best course of action. The people that made up this crowd was leaving the moment the NEST agents had dispersed. Leaving behind one grieving grandmother behind. Lily wondered if she should console the woman, since no one else is doing anything. But then she backed away from that option since she knew that there was nothing that a stranger could say to make this better. Well, whatever happens to her, and her grandson, Lily silently wished them the best. Lily centered Karlie back into her attention. Oh, yes, Karlie was speaking to her. Well Lily didn't know how to answer her question. Like, at all. Since she's new in town herself, she doesn't have an idea where anything around here is (In fact, she should be asking [i]Karlie[/i] for directions). "Uh, Hey. I'm [i]Lily[/i]..." Great, the way she carried herself and spoke made her look like a nervous fuck. Lily scratched the back of her neck, and looked away again. Across the street was some bowling alley... Yeah, bowling was fun. When she actually could play it. Now it's just going from sofa to sofa, aimlessly. Hoping that her journey will be complete some day. Someday she dreamed of heading back to those times and having fun. "Sorry, [i]Chica[/i]," Lily said as her head dropped down towards her feet, and watched them randomly shuffle around. " I just got in town, I dunno where anything is." She shrugged, her motion was very rigid and jerky. Once that settled, that money that was in her pocket was calling out to her. Get a warm meal, get a nice place to sleep, it said (Well, not really, but that's what Lily was thinking of). Okay, she shouldn't go overboard, but maybe get herself a motel with this money for a little while. A cheap one. Anything beat sleeping in an alleyway, so it's quality didn't matter at all. "Maybe you could help me... Do you know about any motels?" Lily took a step forward towards Karlie. "Doesn't matter what kind it is. I just need a cheap one for a little while...."