Yuri saw the gun coming out as she was about to dodge the attack by a purse. Her reaction should have been expected by anyone who saw the badge as her hand seemed to instantly fill with her large caliber service weapon the helmet sighting system now locked on the killer. The only reason she hadn't tapped him three times for shooting the young woman was that it might be a legit hit. Dropping quickly to the woman's side she heard the killer say the damnedest thing. "Now, lets all be civil, I'm Knight, EFS blacks opt and I believe all of here generally have a aligned goal. To see the current assholes in power ousted . Now we can stay and bicker until we all full of lead or we can leave and argue later." Then he opened his helmet revealing his true face "Glad your here Yuri. Now I have a safe house not far from here, we go there and talk this out or stay here. Officer your welcome to report this but they would just kill you for meeting me." He said as nonchalantly as if they'd just met on a rail platform Yuri pulled her trauma kit from her belt and instantly injected the woman with Slow which was a drug that could slow the metabolism down so slow that her heart could be removed and she could survive at least an hour without it. [B]Mr Knight you act like we're friends after shooting this poor girl for doing something stupid. She was obviously desperate who else would even think of attacking a badge now she's Fed if we don't get her to a Doc. Sure they might pop me for knowing you're here an gone rouge but if as you act you know me then you also know I can't just leave her here to die or get flushed as a veggie.[/B] says Yuri snarling out her words as she avoids just emptying her weapon into the man. She removes the bandage can from her kit and put the tip in the woman's wound an fills it with sealing foam turns her on her side looking for an exit an finding non rolls her to her back and injects her neck with Night which is a powerful painkiller a sedative that can work with Slow. [B] Now if you'll excuse me Mr Knight I have a life to save and the rest of you I don't give a flying rat why you're here but try an stop me and I'll pop you quick[/B] says Yuri as she lifts Viola into a fireman's carry and kicks the door open. Yuri turns to the right leaving the Dive and heading. The three blocks on foot to a back alley Doc she could have busted for practice without a license till she found he was a former construction worker that did three tours as a combat medic planet side and was almost as skilled as any legit doc. The people of the hole couldn't afford legit docs so let Doc operate an had even directed the fresh meat to him when they got hurt or sick. As she walked down the walkway Yuri was happy that in the hole nobody asked questions or saw anything. Soon she was pushing open the door of an old storage room that made Doc's front office. His nurse who acted as collector an gate keeper started to protest till she saw the badge an who was behind it. [B]Get the Doc now this girl's dead if you don't[/B] demanded Yuri