Silver had left to go patrol the boarder, as she followed the scent marks left by the clan she'd occasionally rub her scent on some trees to freshen the boundary, trotting silently through the brush she came to the small clearing at the edge of the eastern part of the packs territory, the whole field was theirs, not that it was large by any means but it made a good scouting point. She looked over into the marshlands that marked the start of the other clans territory, she couldn't see any wolves there but their scent was fresh, moving forward she kept her black pelt low where she'd blend with the shadows and the dirt, moving along the tree line her silver eyes scanned the plains for any sign of a rival pack. Her ears shot up when she saw the brown shaggy wolf chase a rabbit down its hole, the wolf dug at the hole in frustration and Silver flattened her ears as she caught the scent of another clan. Bursting from her cover she raced across the small plains, the wolf had his head stuck in the hole so when Silver tackled him tossing him into the dirt he snarled and his hair stood up, Silver bared her fangs and circled around him, he was smaller than her but not younger and he wasn't afraid. Silver understood why as four more brown and grey colored wolves came to his aid from the marshlands.