Picture is all good now. --- Name: Sorcha Age: 19 [hider=Sorcha][img]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/106/5/3/slime_girl_3_by_piketh-d3e64je.png[/img](Commonly wears dark clothing, and has a full humanoid body)[/hider] Background: Sorcha has been alone most of her life, and doing he best to avoid interaction with anyone. Only talking to creatures like cats or the occasional scorpion. She got by in terms of food by "eating" anything that was unattended/unsupervised and any freshly thrown away food she could find. She also followed a life style similar to that of nomads, never staying in one place for more than a week. She had moved around the city quite a number of times before she was arrested. Personality: Sorcha is shy, irritable, and kind hearted. She tries her best to make friends, but her shyness holds her back from initiating conversations. Making her wait for someone to come along and talk to her, and hopefully become friends with her. She's a big softie for cats, and scorpions. Also loves sweets, but will "eat" just about anything. [b]What type of mythical creature are you?[/b] A slime, isn't it obvious? I don't like wearing clothes but humans are so finicky over this stuff, almost got arrested for it too. And before you ask, yes, slimes can get arrested. I don't know how they do it either. They must have some special cuffs that don't allow us to change our form to escape or something. [b]What Crime did you commit?[/b] Destruction of property. I was really hungry and not thinking straight...so I kind of "ate" someones porch furniture. It was delicious mind you. Oh and they also gave me a loitering charge, a vandalism charge, attempted murder, and resisting arrest. I won't deny the resisting arrest charge, but I didn't do the other three, I mean it, I really didn't do anything to get those other charges. [b]How long where you in prison?[/b] I think my sentence was about 7 years? I don't remember. [b]Are you looking forward to being at Oasis?[/b] No. But its the only place I can go.