Iowa had finished his meal, and boy had he enjoyed watching the match, He tried to watch some more but he just kept losing interest due to his new environment, he hadn’t been on a cruiser like this in at least a decade. After losing interest one last time he stood up and left the canteen, he didn’t realise that he was the last one to go but he was sure he would be fine. He went to his room he needed some R&R after that training session. But he didn’t know what else he could do all of a sudden he remembered his time out on the training field and how his field went down he understood that if he was to do any better the next day he needed to work on his ability. He moved from his door and sneaked over to the locker room. Took his chip from the back of his helmet and sneaked back to his room he clipped in the chip to his data pad and ran some calibrations he was pretty sure he had been up until late until him finally he collapsed on his bed with his data pad in his hand.