[center][b][u]Nihil, God of Absence[/u][/b] --- [img= http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/dota2.gamepedia.com/thumb/1/1d/Night_Stalker_concept2.jpg/471px-Night_Stalker_concept2.jpg?version=0b14b43375209dd487877e0d670f80ac] [i]An artistic representation depicting Nihil[/i][/center] --- [center]“[i]You have tainted perfection.[/i]” --- [b]Appearance:[/b] Despite what many believe, Nihil takes on no true form, instead appearing to all who witness it as naught but a voice. Despite this, many artists have attempted to associate something with this voice, carving statues that are little more than pieces of art depicting wild and alien creatures. Many artists have described Nihil as an all-consuming darkness. In reality, Nihil appears as nothing but a distant and far off voice to most. However, the observant may be able to note that there are in fact, multiple voices, each whispering strung out and scattered thoughts of Nihil. Sadly, these voices are very quiet; though this might actually be a good thing, seeing as how following these strings of thought end with statements full of hopeless beliefs and hopes of existence reverting back into that state of nothing. Those that have heard the voices of Nihil tend to describe his voice as one that is neither feminine nor masculine, but instead bestial and hopeless. This confusion has led to most referring to Nihil as a malevolent masculine figure. [b]Abilities:[/b] Most of Nihil’s abilities are strange, closer to introducing concepts and ideas than actual abilities he is able to use on a whim; it is for this reason that Nihil is sometimes considered the patron of philosophers. These concepts and ideas tend to take root immediately in the minds of lesser beings, though it is not impossible to resist them. The following few abilities are the ones that actively and directly do something, though they tend to serve as fertilizer for his twisted and nihilistic ideals. [u]Logical Fallacy[/u] The act of trying to wrap one’s mind around the fact that Nihil is, at all times, a logical fallacy, tends to drive most beings into a state of madness. Fellow deities seem to be not entirely immune to this, though they are not driven into a state of madness, or nearly even close. The effect Nihil’s constant state of logical fallacy has on fellow deities is, for all intents and purposes, a short-term confusion that happens maybe once or twice every eon. [u]Unmake[/u] Despite what many would have you believe, Nihil, as literal nothingness made animate, is incapable of effecting reality directly in a large amount of ways. However, he is able to unmake the mind and will of a person by showing them, for the briefest of moments, the briefest idea of what it would be like to return to that state of nothing. This is usually enough to unmake a person, though the effects of this vary widely. [u]Undone[/u] Nihil recalls in all-too vivid detail the “tainting of perfection” and shows this memory to his victim. While doing this may result in nothing, it may also result in creating a nihilistic being that renounces existence and creation. [u]Disorder[/u] Nihil makes the entirety of his thoughts known to his victim, causing mass confusion and sometimes leading to madness among lesser beings. [u]Revert[/u] One of the few powerful abilities Nihil actually has, this reverts a very small portion of reality into… nothing… temporarily that is. Nihil tends not to do this, however, as he will consume that thing’s “memories”, causing Nihil to be bound even further to existence, seeing as how he will come to understand that thing in the most primal and raw way possible. The only time Nihil used this was on himself. It worked for a few brief moments before he popped back into reality and found himself understanding just exactly how illogical it was for him to be animate. [b]Personality & Personality Flaws:[/b] As literal nothingness made animate, Nihil is a very flawed being, exhibiting many oddities about him. To begin with, Nihil finds himself constantly locked in a state of logical fallacy; he should not exist and yet he does, he is nothing yet he is something, and so on and so forth. This leads to very perplex and far-out thoughts surfacing from Nihil, as well as the high risk of madness many lesser beings face when bearing witness to Nihil. Nihil is a nihilistic entity, one that seeks to undo creation. This means that Nihil paints Balsis in disgusting light, both for bringing him into creation and undoing the perfect order that was nothing. These beliefs lead to many confrontations with the other gods. One thing worth noting about Nihil is that he refuses to acknowledge Balsis as a leader or father, instead seeing him as an unnatural herald of chaos and distorter of order. He views all other gods in the same light, believing them to be unnatural. In fact, he views everything as unnatural, especially himself, granted he is literal nothing made animate. As literal nothing made animate, the thoughts of Nihil are complicated to understand, recalling the peace and order that was present (or rather, was not present) before Balsis and his children destroyed all that was sacred to him. Because he is literal nothing made animate, he recalls in perfect detail what it was like to… not exist. He loathes existence and creation, believing it to be a very unfortunate accident that he hopes to one day ultimately undo. Nihil absolutely loathes his followers. To him, they are mocking his very being, preaching that which they are incapable of understanding. While he’s all for breaking a person and turning them into a nihilist, his followers take their nihilism a little too seriously, occasionally committing mass cult suicides. It is because of these reasons that Nihil has very few followers. He instead focuses more on turning followers away from the other gods. Nihil, despite his best efforts, thinks a lot. His thoughts are his only possessions, though they are there against his will. When he forgets something, it seems to slowly crawl back into his unwanted mind, aggravating him to no end. A strange side-effect of this means that he gets frustrated when he forgets something, which is quite the pickle, seeing as he forgets everything at some point, only to remember it later.[/center]