Good! Nearly done me sheet, just gotta figure out some cultural fluff. [hider=Lythos][b]Name of the Kingdom:[/b] Kingdom of Lythos [b]Current Ruler:[/b] King Varren Luthen [b]Dynasty:[/b] House Luthen (162 years in power) [b]Flag:[/b] [img][/img] [b]History:[/b] The country of Lythos came into being roughly 900 years ago at the neck of the Chalewiel Pennisula. Unlike some more violent realms, no grand conquest or devious political maneuver forged what would become the nations of shrewd merchants. Instead, the man who would become the first King of Lythos, Duke Halos Lyth set out on a campaign to win the support of the affluent merchant families who had ruled his and the other Duchys of the surrounding lands. Through a series of marriages, alliances and when all else failed, bribery from the Lyth family's significantly filled coffers forged the ground work for the kingdom that would come in the following years. Many rallied under the banner of the this diplomatic Duke and within a century of his grand ambition to form the Duchys into one, he was crowned the first king of a country named after his family. Having been born of trade, Lythos never forgot its origins. Over the course of its existence, the Kingdom has used its position within Chalewiel to choke coin from those who would pass through their lands to carry goods to the north and used its navy to control the waters leading down towards the south. The shrewd negotiators spread their reputation as wealthy, powerful diplomats through the trade winds and stacked their coffers full of coin whilst living in extravagance. Over the 900 years it has existed, only three families have sat high on the throne. The first, House Lyth, eventually died out after a successful five hundred years of sitting upon the golden throne of Lythos. Taking its place, House Rhyse, a vassal of House Lyth through marriage took control of the realm and ruled it for nearly two hundred fifty years. Its rule came to an end when the king at the time, Yusef 'the Fool', crossed many of the powerful guilds and merchant families who held such strength amount the nobility of the realm. His abusive lust for more wealth and power led to his downfall by some 'spoiled' wine and saw House Rhyse all but annhilated through a series of 'unfortunate' events. With none left of the lineage of House Rhyse, the second most powerful family in all of Lythos, House Luthen, was elevated to the golden throne under the rule of Lord Elas Luthen. For seven generations of kings, House Luthen has held Lythos under its grasp and brought the country into vast wealth, as one would expect of a country of their reputation. [b]Traits:[/b] Kingdom; Developed infrastructure, A web of whispers Military; Good equipment, Ships Economy; Important trade routes, Filthy rich, Caravans, Ancient merchant families, Ports Flaws; Sellswords, Overly powerful merchant guilds, Not so perfect family 2 [b]Claim on the map: [/b] [img][/img] [b]Additional things to fill in: [/b][/hider]