Prince swallowed as mention of calling family and friends was mentioned. He mindlessly caught the money that was thrown at him and placed it in the account with a blank face. He tried not to think too hard about it. He could call them, he really could. But something deep down told him not to, told him it wouldn't do any good, they would only yell and then where would he be? He let out a soft sigh and smiled over at Hazard. [b]"I wouldn't call people losers so lightly, not all of them are so keen to your humor."[/b] He told him as he poked him lightly with his staff. [b]"Still, I think you might deserve that punch somehow. Whenever it comes, anyway."[/b] He chuckled, walking behind Hazard. [b]"Lead the way, loser."[/b] He continued, smiling. No, there weren't any dragons on Arnoth. But there were some rather dangerous creatures, ones that if taken out would let you gain more exp than you knew what to do with it some cases. But, he wouldn't let them know about them. For now, he racked his brain for a creature more their level. [b]"I think we should be able to take on an elemental wolf... Either that or we find a hideout and kill some bandits. The bandits will give us more cash, but less exp and the wolves will give us close to no cash but more exp and they'll be harder to kill depending on the type..."[/b] Prince explained, looking over to Hazard. [b]"What do you think? I know where we could find either if you'd like me to lead us there."[/b] He continued. Prince, while being lazy was surprisingly well versed in the world of Paradise considering his other play-throughs. It wouldn't take him long to figure out the best ways to get what they needed done and he hadn't a pretty good idea of the maps of the area and where to find certain things. He wasn't perfect, but it would have to do.