Name of nation: The Grand Illixian Queendom Species:The Illixian are an insect like species with various subspecies. The subspecies include the Drogan, the most common and ant like in appearance, the Hokar, which are similar to crickets, the Gundok, which are the largest and resemble beetles, and the Vissim, which are the rarest and are the only ones capable of natural flight due to their wasp like physiology. Although there are vast differences among the subspecies, they do have many similarities. The average lifespan for all Illixians is only around forty to fifty years. The only exception to this is the queen, who usually lives for at least a hundred years. All Illixians also have natural chitin like armor that protects them, and most are very strong. The Illixians raise their young in hatcheries according to their subspecies. Illixians also have a very high birth rate and a female usually lays anywhere from 10-20 eggs a year. Description of government: The Queendom is, as its name suggests, ruled by a queen who has absolute authority. However, there is a council consisting of at least one of each subspecies that helps govern smaller affairs. The crown is given to a successor chosen by the current queen, vary rarely does the position stay in one family. Any female from any subspecies could potentially be made queen however the current queen is from the Vissim species. Description of military: The Illixians have a large army due to their high population and birth rates. They mainly focus on their navy due to fact that colonies and trade are vital to the government, however they do have a sizable ground army as well. The main strategy of the Illixians can be summed up in one word: Swarm. Any problem can be solved if enough soldiers are thrown at it. That is why most of their fleet is comprised of carriers and fighters to overwhelm their enemy through sheer numbers. The Illixians really lose wars of attrition sue to their numbers. Another common tactic for the Illixian navy is to board an enemy ship and either re-purpose it for their own use, or to have it self-destruct to prevent the enemy from using it. For the ground troops the strategies are basically the same, however each subspecies carries out a different role. The Drogan are the basic infantry, the Gundok usually have heavy weapons or vehicles, and the Hokar are able to use their powerful legs to serve as scouts. The Vissim are usually the elite guards or special forces to their flight capabilities. The Royal Guard are the strongest and best fighters from all subspecies, they rarely go into battle, except when escorting high priority targets, and even then a large group is never sent. Still, their skill can turn around a losing battle. The Illixian weaponry are mainly energy based, but they do have some ballistic weapons. Most foot soldiers forgo body armor and instead rely on their natural exoskeleton to protect them. Royal Guards however do wear special armor when going to battle. The most common weapon in the army is the Letko, a large bladed staff that doubles as a rifle. The Illixian ships use swarms of missiles and small, rapid fire lasers to overwhelm their targets. However, this does mean that they lack large powerful cannons, and it usually takes concentrated fire from several ships to bring down enemy ships with shields or heavy armor. Technological Overview: The Illixians are an advanced race, discovering space travel relatively early and making great advances in science. They mainly focus on ships, since many of their resources come from off world colonies and travel to and from is vital. The Illixians put great emphasis on industrialization and so much of the home world is devoted to producing or researching new goods or weapons. These great achievements do come with a high mortality rate, with lab accidents and unsafe conditions in some factories, but the Illixians persevere and continue to push ahead for the good of the species. Cultural Overview: Despite the differences between the subspecies there is little animosity between them due to the same positions being open to them all, and the fact that the queen can be from any one of the subspecies. The Illixians recognized the need for expansion early on due to their large population size. This led to the colonization of new planets, which not only provide home for the Illixians, but also provide new resources not found on their home planet. Trade is also very important to Illixians, not only between the colonies and the home world, but also to any other civilization that is willing negotiate. The queen is greatly revered and respected, many of the advances in medicine were made to help insure the queen had a long reign, hence their longer life spans. History: The Illixians were conquered early on a by a more advance civilization many years ago. Although few records from that time remain it is known that the Illixians were able to push the invaders off the planet after a century of slavery. The Illixians soon faced another problem, however, due to their freedom their population quickly rose to a level the planet could not sustain. Thankfully, technology left over from their previous conquerors helped the Illixian scientists discover space travel and they were able to send many people off world to form new colonies. This also led to a rise in trade and manufacturing spurring the growth of the Queendom. Determined to never be conquered again, the Illixians built a large army and navy in order to defend themselves. They now prepare to deal with other civilizations, whether through peaceful negations or through force. Other: The Illixians, are not an overly violent species, they are however, fully prepared to defend themselves and crossing into their territory without permission can easily result in conflict. Ok, I think that's everything. If I left anything out, or you need more details please let me know.