[b]Falacia[/b] The defenses surrounding Falacia pointed at the Sazkarjhit ships for a minute, but quickly stopped and redirected back to there positions. A message was transmitted on a encrypted channel. "Welcome to Falacia, unfortunate we could not meet at a better time. Enemy forces recently attempted incursion into a highly senstive base near Falacia, and we believe this to be a precursor to a attack. Last time we faced them they only sent a fleet of about 25 ships, so our current estimates that there total numbers in ships is somewhere between a 100 and 200, whatever fleet they sent is like 30 or 40 ships large. We have enough ammo here to obliterate fleets of 1000s, as well as shielding and armor to hold out against even high-yield nukes or other WMDs. With your support we think this will be a easy fight."