Cattypea had fallen silent, and followed after the two boys, listening as they talked. She would go anywhere, just so long as she could try and level, and not be a burden. As she walked, she tried to gain complete composure, and place herself as the person she wanted to be. Cattypea, and not quite, lonely Kalinda. Cattypea who had friends, and wasn't just tolerated. As Prince and Hazard discussed what to attack, Catty looked about. She wondered briefly how other people were taking this news. How many people would die today. How many people were calling their families. How many people were doing what they were doing. Which then told her what she needed to know, to contribute to the leveling party. She cleared her throat, and spoke up "let's go for the wolves now. We have enough money between all of us to survive for now, but I think a lot of people will simply go for the bandits, purely for the money. But if we level, if we grind some, we can attack better monsters, receive more exp and coin, then if we just hang back and merely play for money" She looked at them both, "and leveling lets us become stronger. We can fight, and we can provide. We should also think about training other things besides our fighting schools. Being able to cook, to hunt and what not will let us be able to feed ourselves" she said thoughtfully "but for now, let's level up"