Brown eyes widened further at the sound of the announcement and a loud whimper escaped the smaller boy's mouth. Amber eyes just narrowed further, however, and an angry voice growled out into a shout from the larger boy. "SHUT UP AND-A LET ME MAKE SURE YOU DIDN'T POTENTIALLY KILL-A MY CHARGE, DAMMIT!" Only further enraged, he went back to scanning Kido's shoulders to the best of his ability before releasing the boy and standing up, roughly pulling him to his feet and gripping his shoulders. "This morning, you didn't notice anything odd, did you? You're not bleeding from anywhere, are you?" "F-Felice....They're going to d-do something horrible... You're n-not supposed to t-touch p-people..." "Are there injection marks anywhere?! Answer-a that first!" Kido flinched, eyes watering at the tone of voice and the thought that Felice was going to end up like Katherin had. "I-injection marks? N-no, I didn't notice a-any. A-and I'm not bleeding..." Sucking in a deep breath, Felice clenched his hands and looked around the hall until he found one of the cameras and started shouting at it, pointing at the smaller boy. "Don't freaking [i]touch-a[/i] this idiot, do you hear me? You have [i]no[/i] idea what kind of problems we [i]just[/i] got him out of and we don't-a need to send him back to the hospital!" Shaking with the force of his anger, he let out a huff and turned back to the smaller boy, reaching into his vest to pull out his batons and MP3 player to shove into Kido's hands. "Keep these safe until I get back." Seeing him open his mouth to protest, the amber-eyed boy glared at him. "If you try to stop me or follow me, I'll tie you up and burn Palo." Shutting his mouth, Kido watched the slightly taller boy walk away down the hall. As soon as his angry friend was out of sight, the small boy dropped to his knees and started crying.