Rokku, Zero has a very good point. If we still had six groups like before, there'd be no problem, but there's only a single group right now. Of the three I've limited myself to, only one is consistently RP'd, which is Samus. Dark Samus is just out there, and Kalama's remaining in the Cyber Realm for the foreseeable future. Please limit yourself to two consistently RP'd characters at a time, but I'd still prefer just a single character. Then limit yourself to two characters that are simply out there that could pop in, but I'd prefer that count to be zero since the only reason I have those kinds of characters is because they're necessary as plot points, Kalama being the guide and Dark Samus being the main antagonist as far as is currently known, both by me and by the players. Even Samus is more of a plot tool than an actual PC, being there as a sort of liason to the newcomers. Grand has his three that consistently interact with each other and are too closely tied to not include with each other, as well as his own plot character, but he's allowed more wiggle room due to helping me keep this running. I'd rather not see you go because of this, but nine characters is more than unnecessary with this clean slate. EDIT: I should note that this is the final word on this, and the condition to you continuing to participate here. I'm putting my foot down here. Trim down your character count to the required count I've specified, or don't participate, it's as simple as that.