[quote=Golem] That, or it could remain as some kind of puppet region, functioning like a no-mans land.Also, a question for Conquistador: would it be possible to move the Affadyqid to the east or west of its current location? Just so that Nexerus can have his nation too. The S'laaeth needs that territory because of its elaborate history, and the Affadyqid does not (even though their history is quite detailed as well). I realize I'm not GM or in any power to make anyone do anything, but in my mind it'd be a nice compromise. [/quote] [quote=The Nexerus] I could rework the history to place the S'laa in the area between Affadyqid and Rohango. If I'm going to have to rework things, though, I'd just as gladly recycle Aaldorenfeald from To Lunds (the predecessor to this RP). [/quote] Oh well, if the public demands I will move. Hold on while I produce another map. [img=http://i1039.photobucket.com/albums/a474/Patukov/qL0CxMj_zps3d4af4d1.png]