Lemonade was ecstatic at how his little parade went. [i]Sure the kids were closer to a rabble than a parade, but what can you do? Kids are kids, it would be like trying to capture a cloud with a butterfly net to force them into a more orderly procession. Well I think this can be considered a moderate success. I obviously didn't put on enough of a show to entrance Adventurers. We have nothing but time on our hands now, surely they could have waited five minutes! I guess I can forgive them. The big one had a somber melancholy beauty while the lady had a blazing one... wait... were they in guilds? They better not be. I'll think on it while liberating beauty from tyranny.[/i] With a smile and a spring in his step Lemonade put his trumpet in its case and bid farewell to his new little friends and started off in a new direction searching for both money and beauty. That violin won't pay for itself after all. [i]Do I need a really need direction if I don't know where I am or where I'm going?[/i] deciding he didn't Lemonade turned left and started off, managing to become more lost than ever before. Breaking out into an open area Lemonade saw a park [i]People go to parks right? I can ask for directions![/i] At first Lemonade was walking, as he got closer he paused and squinted at a guild gathering in the distance. Heading off again at a jog, Lemonade slowly increased his pace until he was running at a full sprint. Shouting "NOOOOOOO!" Lemonade fell using his knees with his momentum to skid forwards, pulling out a bouquet of blue roses out of his [i]Gardener's Joy[/i]. "Why is such a beautiful jewel box not on display!?" standing up and handing off the bouquet to a near by female foxtail Lemonade sounded heartbroken "So rare", spinning away while pulling out a bouquet of white lilies, presenting them to the one in skeleton armor "Such a crying shame! Why hide such beauty in such a drab box?! Why have you clustered all these diamonds, ruby's and emeralds, causing them to lose there individual shine!? I simply can't understand you guild types!" With his face in his left hand, trumpet case in the other, Lemonade sighed and went limp as if all energy had left his body and muttered "It's lost" over and over again.