At first, the universe was darkness and void. Time, matter and light did not exist. And the children were wandering around the endless void aimlessly, but wherever they went, the darkness seemingly grew and grew in size. And Balsis their father gathered them around, and Balsis saith: "Let us create a world with light and sky and sun and moon and land and seas and plants and life; for it is your universe as much as it is mine or your descendants; and it should be our objective to generate the best world possible; But remember: should I or any other child see you perform [i]anything[/i] to hinder creation, you will be judged, and if found guilty, I will personally drag you to the underworld." He looked at all of his children sternly. Then Balsis extended his hands as far as he could, and put them back together in a flash, creating a loud CLAP, which echoed across the void. Tens of millions of small stones spawned in seemingly random spots in the void, gravitating towards a point just to the left of Balsis. The stones molded together, creating a boulder, ever growing. Eventually, Balsis made a “fist” gesture on both his hands, and not one moment afterwards, the small stones stopped spawning. The giant boulder began smoothing itself, turning itself from a rough shape to a spherical, rock core, and the Earth was created. Balsis then motioned his children to start working.