three blonde girls each of them looking exactly like the others except for small flairs on their clothes, sit inside a crowded mall they all sat eating a small basket of fries, no speaking out loud to each other but still speaking to each other through their minds. Nora wore a green bow in her hair, Stacy a blue bracelet, and Torrie a red necklace Nora: so what are we doing here anyway? Stacy: shopping, eating... Torrie: I think she ment why are we in this city?, why did we up root? Nora's head turned from the group when a cute guy passed by and looked over to the group. then back to the group blushing as her sisters somewhat stared at her knowing what she was thinking. Stacy: I don't know...been having this...weird feeling. Torrie: thats weird because me and Nor haven't felt anything, I think your fell of shi... all of a sudden their communicators started going off and they broke the mind link as they all reached for theirs own device. Stacy: seems like we are needed lets go Torrie with a smile on her face: been looking forward to this Nora: wait.....I want to finish my fries...