Immediately after Balsis was done creating the Earth, Ybris appeared high above it looking for a place to start creating life. He knew that at the moment he wouldn't be able to make anything complicated, as most plants required the still non-existent sun to survive, and when it came to creating animals he would need the help of Finnos. That said he believed he could still do something on his own. Ybris looked over the planet searcher for the largest body of water he could find. when he saw what he was looking for he headed for it's bottom. So deep underwater that the sun would never reach down there he would start on his first creation. While he was doing this mostly for practice, theW tiny beings he made here would still play an important role in his later creations. With a snap of his fingers Ybris made the first microorganisms. Each and every one of his creations was so small that to the naked eye they were invisible, but the God of Life sensed they were there.