Artis grinned at the confusion around him, his brothers and sisters were never quite so good as he was at keeping things straight. He saw that many were making their own little planes of existence, so he snaps his fingers and a door Manifests next to him. He opens that door, and looks inside to find his realm. The door *pops* out of existence as he closes it after him. His world of madness was perfect and out of time. He didn't have to do anything, or maybe he did, he didn't care. In any case he lounges happy in his throne and snaps again making a can of soda appear as he smiled. Thare weren't any inhabitants here yet, or so it seemed, but their would be... He liked to keep his perception down to the level of most of those other fools. This world was his perversion of Empyron's paradise, and it held a certain touch to it because of its relation to him. His plane was infinite, he would relay have to look around sometime.