[b]Name:[/b] Aoi Bloom [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Cadet or Civilian?:[/b] Cadet [b]Cultural Descent:[/b] British [b]Strongest skill:[/b] Swordsmanship [b]General skills:[/b] Aoi tends to be very observant of her surroundings; she is also pretty skilled with crafting things out of unwanted objects or out of plants. She also has a good photographic memory [b]Weakest skill:[/b] Teamwork [b]Weapons:[/b] Maneuver Gear, the swords that come with it and a dagger that she received from her parents. [b]Appearance:[/b] Aoi is a tanned skinned girl of about 5 ft 8 in. She has long black hair that she usually keeps tied back in a bow. Her almond shaped eyes are light brown and, although her body is thin, she has some sort of muscle definition, especially in her legs since she runs often. There is a small teardrop shaped birthmark on her neck that she inherited from her father. [b]Personality:[/b] Aoi is what you'd consider to be the 'quiet type', though she has no problem saying what is on her mind if she knew that it would make a difference with the situation at hand. She may even come off as rude but Aoi just lacks proper communication skills that most of her peers already have. Despite that, she actually cares for the people around her, even if she does not express it verbally. [b]History:[/b] Aoi lost her father to a titan while he was out on a mission with the survey corps. She was only ten at the time but was extremely close to her father. As a result, she fell into a silence that no one could coax her out of. Of course this made making friends nearly impossible and Aoi was usually seen sitting of to the side to herself, drawing pictures that she would not allow anyone to see. A while later, she lost her mother in the fall of wall Maria but Aoi managed to make it inside the second wall before her life could be taken as well. Now, she wanted to become a member of the survey corps in order to see if what the things her dad told her truly existed outside these walls. [b]Other:[/b] After discovering an art book in an old abandoned home one day, Aoi became fascinated with art. Everyday she would sit and draw the images from the book until she could practically do it with her eyes closed. One day, she got the idea of drawing what she believed was outside the walls after listening to her father describe his adventures as a member of the survey corps. She continued to draw these images even after her was killed and can often be seen siting on the roof of her home and drawing on multiple pieces of paper at once. She is also known to draw on the sides of the walls of houses and other buildings, which sometimes gets her into trouble.