Now that light and plant life were created, Finnos cracked his knuckles. "I will make, to please you father, beasts that will roam the earth, heavenly beings that will cast themselves over it, and monsters below in the watery depths." Finnos outstretched his hand, calling up some micro-organisms from the waters. With inquistive eyes he studied them, then after a moment they all simultaneously broke off into pairs. One by one, each pair began to form a being, big and small. Some were thrown skywards, and erupted in a flurry of feathers, flesh and bone. "Birds." He said proudly. Afterwards he outstretched his other hand, and brought his two hands together rapidly. Within each clap a pair was placed, and when he parted his hands there a furry being remained. "Animals..."He did this countless of times, scattering them about the earth so they could procreate and fill the lands. And that they did. With a thoughtful expression, his eyes turned down towards the oceans and rivers. "And fishies.." His giggling laughter filled the air as suddenly fish and other creatures of water began to come into existence with each playful clap of his hands. When he finished, he was satisfied. He pursed his lips childishly, knowing that this last animal would take far more thought and work. He wanted to impress his father and his siblings. Carefully and deliberately, he began to mold the final two organisms in his own image. They would be called Man, and they would fill the earth and subdue it. But he wanted them to be more than that. "Sister, if you would." he said sweetly, addressing Cyrilla, "I beg you give them your intelligence."