It was quite the relief to see the gunship arrive, and with the accuracy of its targeting computer, it was easy enough for it to finish off their foes. With how far any of them were from an entrance to the interior of the station, they did not have the time to escape. Once the gunship was in a stable position and Shiva had grabbed on, Rareth pushed off from the debris and grabbed on to one of the holds nearby. Though they were still technically in a combat zone, the immediate danger to them was now significantly less than it had been. for the past hour or so. Now, they were essentially in the clear. After each member of the team found a place to grab hold, the gunship took them the relatively short distance to the hanger through which they had originally arrived. Rareth radioed ahead to Ashley that they were inbound, but even still, she managed to take a few moments to take in the sights from the outside. The station defenses were disabled, so it wasn't as if there was a space battle around it, but the damage to the station was extensive, and impressive. Large holes and gaps in the station's hull had been created by plasma and explosions alike, sending pieces of debris floating out into space just beyond. As tragic as destruction tended to be, it almost had a sort of beauty to it. It was only a minute or two before the gunship made it to the hanger, the door of which was now locked in an open position, exposing it to the vacuum. Like the rest of the station, it was also devoid of artificial gravity, so the Hummingbird was being held in place by its own magnetic clamps. Rareth pushed away from the gunship and planted her feet on the hanger floor, once again using her magnetic boots to keep her in place. Her steps towards the heavy and slow, but completely silent to all but herself. They had to wait a few moments for Ashley to depressurize the interior so she could open up the loading ramp, so Rareth gave a nod to Shiva and spoke to her through the radio. "So, once we get a moment, do you think you could take a closer look at me? The pain in my chest is still a bit concerning."