The old base for the Justice League named Mount Justice had been cleaned up and given a new computer mainframe so that the team would now be able to use it as their headquarters. Korrin was having a look at the giant main room where they would gather to have their debriefing for missions and he was excited to finally get some action ever since he had escaped from Apokolips. The main room also had a kitchen attached to it and on the other side there was a teleportation gate where all of the members of the team would come through to get to the base or if they preferred to fly or use vehicles then they would come through the back entrance. The communicator on his gauntlet alerted him that he was receiving a call from Batman and he answered it. "Hello Batman, to what do owe the pleasure of this call?" he asked with a slight smile. "I'm not in the mood for games Darkclaw. I am calling you to inform you that your teammates should arrive soon and to remind you that as team leader you must try to keep your anger in check" the caped crusader replied. "I will try Batman" "Good" and with those words Batman hung up and Korrin was left waiting for his teammates to come. He hoped that they would be able to work properly as a team and they didn't become a group of angry teens.