[center][img]http://i58.tinypic.com/20s9jxk.png[/img] [img]http://i57.tinypic.com/11jc7bl.png[/img][/center] ----- ▷ [b]Name:[/b] [i]Ferra Hanson[/i] ▷ [b]Gender: [/b] [i]Female[/i] ▷ [b]Age: [/b] [i]10[/i] ▷ [b]Occupation: [/b] [i]Student[/i] ▷ [b]History: [/b] [i]With a mere 10 years on this Earth Ferra hasn't had much of history to speak of, but the life she has lived has been quite well adjusted as anyone could expect in this day and age. Her father and mother separated before her birth, so her lack of father was never too detrimental in her life. Her mother (Francine) works as a dental hygienist and always gave Ferra anything she could ever possibly want and need. She often is being dropped off at school, her grandparent's house, or dance practice. Playing with her tablet on the trip to her grandparent's house, she began to fill out the pop up message for cure of boredom.[/i] ▷ [b]Hobbies: [/b] [i]Dance. Playing outside. Making up stories. Dress up. Barbie dolls.[/i] ▷ [b]Living Family:[/b] [i]Francine Hanson. (Mom) Frank Hanson (Papa/Grandpa) Carol Hanson (Mema/Grandma) Neil Ashton (Dad)[/i] ▷ [b]What are you?[/b] [i] A princess! [/i]