The back entrance to Mount Justice, a large hanger that opened up in the ground itself and was surrounded by a number of trees to help hide its location, creaked open after the proper combination of hand print scan and pass code was placed in. After the moment the large door opened there was a blur of purple that rushed into the base. It breezed through the halls of the facility almost too fast to spot, a light hearted chuckle fallowing after it wherever it went. It didn't take too long before the haze of color made it to the main room of the building, which was currently occupied by one other. The purple blur came to a stop just in front of Korrin, revealing it to be a tall muscular teen with orange skin and bright purple eyes. [b]"Comrade!!!"[/b] The teen exclaimed before hugging Korrin, lifting him off of the ground. After a moment, and maybe some struggle from Korrin, the teen would release the other boy before offering him a large grin. [b]"It is much of the joy to meet you! I am Korand'r!"[/b] He said, his grin not wavering for a moment.