[i]Tick, tock, tick, tock...[/i] It was possible to hear Velrus' ticking noises already, serving as an indicator of his now-everlasting presence. As the rest of the gods began manipulating their own spheres of influence, Velrus too was performing his own duties. By simply existing, he was allowing time to flow naturally. As long as his heart beat, nothing would be truly stationary; eventually, things which currently were, would decay in time. This was not his only job, and he was already taking into account every single detail which had occurred so far, and awaited the completion of the "Earth", as they liked to call it. In his mind, multiple pathways appeared, all potential outcomes of what could happen in the future, but only one would be chosen. Even now, Velrus was able to peer into the different planes which dictated 'what could have been', although he was yet to remove anything from these planes. He knew that would came later.