Jain listened as Jon explained once more to her how he thought being part of a team would help her develop a better sense of belonging. Jain also knew that he wanted her active on projects outside of what she was presently was interested in which was the ruin and exposure of the corruption in government and businesses. "They will give you what my team gave me, a sense of family of having friends and an identity" says Jon looking into her eyes [B]I'll try Jon but only because you ask. I still don't truly trust humans[/B] she says pouting "Jain you are human, they are your people and besides some aren't human" he chuckles as he reassures her. He was honestly concerned about her because to him she'd become almost like she was his own child. [B]Okay Jon but promise me that if I call you'll try an answer because you're the only person I trust.[/B] she says as she steps from the flyer he'd brought her close to the mountain in. He Promised an then left her alone but Jain was used to being alone. As she looked around herself she thought of just walking away from the base an continuing on her own but then she remembered her promise to Jon. She would never break her word to him because of all those she met in her short memory he was the first who hadn't tried to use her or treated her like a freak, he was family to her. She turned an headed towards the Mountain soon using the entry code she'd been given by Jon. She walked into the main room to see two males who's genetic were most assuredly not human an one appeared friendly an the other confrontational. Stopping she softly says [B] Hello I am Jain Jones, Jon Jones asked me to come an join[/B]