[center][img=https://31.media.tumblr.com/26d9c06c3ab02e88b04de45724acd9c2/tumblr_inline_nebx9fPqpY1t3u8k2.gif][/center] A spike of adrenaline shot though Rose as she felt Slade's hand around her throat. The gauntlet was cold, probably the very thing she felt on her cheek before she was startled awake. Her back couldn't help but arch as she eased into his grip, the adrenaline now pumping through her blood making her focus less on the danger she was in, and more on the excitement coursing through her at the thought of what his raw power was capable of. He was sizing her up; he had every right to be. She was no doubt nothing but a child in his eyes who had managed to catch him in a very rare moment of surprise and had taken him down... so to speak. She wasn't sure what his knowledge was on her, if any at all, but she doubted he knew that there was a whole lot more to her than what he was able to just see. She just stared back at the one eye that was looking at her, a flickering smile playing at her lips, wishing that for just that moment, she could trade in her powers to read minds. There was absolutely nothing she could gain from the way he was staring her, the mask made it impossible to get a good read off of him. What she wasn't expecting, however, was being tossed into the air like a football a pretty fair distance. What she wouldn't give to have her bones be made of metal right then. Tucking her legs in underneath her for stability, Rose did a sort of back twist before landing on both feet, stumbling a small bit as her head was still in the works of clearing up and her body still wasn't as responsive as she would have liked. The very moment her boots touched the ground, the intercom had gone off. [i]"Good Morning, Convicts. I assume you all wonder why you're here. Well, you're now a team. A team under my control. A team called Task Force X. You will all do black ops missions for me, and in exchange, I will reduce your prison sentences, so you can all get out and terrorize your enemies, and land right. Back. Here. You're under my thumb, convicts. And what I say goes, or so help me I will blow your heads off with enough explosive to level Metropolis. Now, your first assignment is to break out of Belle Reve, and get to a plane twenty miles from here. TOGETHER."[/i] Rose couldn't help but to reach her hand back to feel at the dull throbbing coming from the back of her neck. Upon her fingers making contact, she was able to make out a raw scar in the shape of an 'X'. Well, that explained how the woman figured she could blow their heads off. "Oh fuck me!" She exclaimed, throwing her hands up in the air in annoyance. She had just spent a full year of her life breaking ties with the Teen Titans. Not wanting to be bound down to any 'team' but here she was, back to square one. Except this time, it seemed that there was more at stake than just a few pissed off people if she attempted to leave. It was then that for the first time Rose was able to get a very brief look at the people that, like her, now made up this 'Task Force X'. Oh... cute, she just got the meaning behind the shape of the scar on her neck. Very cute. The men around her were all figures she had heard of, but never seen before (with the exception of Slade of course). The Reverse Flash was easy enough to pinpoint, his colors and the way he moved was a dead giveaway, but the other two gave her a bit of a pause. A man that reminded her a lot of batman, but a bit more... feline? Well, she knew a kid with green skin that could turn himself into anything from a beanbag chair to a flying dinosaur if he so wanted, so she wasn't about to start judging. The drawl of the other man caught her attention, spotting the boomerang he held in his hand it was now clear as to who he was. [i]"Did that Waller bird actually specify where this plane actually is? "As I don't mean t' be a stick in the mud but i thought that would be important information."[/i] Taking a moment to stomp over to Slade, noticing that he had her mask, she snatched it from him and slipped it back over her face. Not that it mattered much anymore since they had all seen what she looked like, but hey, she had to complete the outfit. "Cap'n Kangaroo is right, it's stupid to just head off in a random direction twenty miles to find that we were wrong." She said to those left in the room before turning her attention back to Captain Boomerang. "If you wanna hail your roadrunner buddy down and have him do a quick sweep of a twenty mile radius while I find a place to get a drink, I'm sure there's a way I could repay you." Although she said it to the fellow Australian, she was looking back at Slade and passed him a quick wink before moving on her way towards where Feline-Man and Speedy Gonzolas had disappeared in, taking care to step over the bodies of those who had already fallen prey to their attack. They had certainly been quick to kill, and no one seemed to mind... Maybe this place wouldn't be so bad after all...