Anger, desolation, pain. These feelings filled Slatera. He was, of course, not being watched by Balsis, of course. Even Balsis would not consider Slatera one of his children. Slatera was simply a result from the creation of the other gods. While the other were made pure, he was accidentally created out of their impurity. Some of the other children had seen him a while ago, but they would all flee out of disgust for his appearance was monstrous. All except for Artis. It seemed that Artis never cared about his appearance. Or ever noticed Slatera. Didn't really matter, though. He watched as they created beaches, birds, little tiny fleshsacks, plants, and the cosmos. While watching, he couldn't help but think of the purity they had created. [i]Such a pure earth... Impurity must be cast down upon it,[/i] he thought. He descended to the earth, and quickly hid upon its land. While no one was watching, he began lurking around, looking for something. After some time, he saw what he was looking for. A rather "cute" looking bird resting on the ground. He leapt out at it quickly, and before it could take off, he grabbed it with two of his four hands. He held it up while looking at it. In his other two hands were his cages. They held his power. They made sure his power didn't run free. A symbol appeared in the two cages. This was the Mark of Atrophy. After the mark began to burn in the cages, Slatera began to cough up a black-powder like substance. The bird tried to turn its head out of it, but it couldn't leave Slatera's grip. This bird seemed to change. It became much less cute. Its beak became sharper. Its wings, larger. The bird's feathers turned black as coal. It seemed to fall to the ground, dead when Slatera loosened his grip. The bird, after a short moment, seemed to spring up. It was confused. What did it want? What did it need? It needed to eat. The bird tried to eat some grass, but couldn't. It was just regurgitated. The bird saw another bird. One of its old kind. It looked appetizing. The bird wanted to eat that. It wanted to eat it now. The black bird quickly stretched its wings. After two flaps, it shot up into the air at the "cute" bird. The cute bird was not made for speed. The black bird quickly slammed its talons into the cute bird's back, causing the cute bird's wings to be sliced open. It quickly fell to the ground as the black bird dove after it again. It grabbed the body of the cute bird, and began to fly against the ground, causing the cute bird's feathers to tear off. After that, its skin began to be torn off by the grass, leaving a large bloodied trail. The black bird stopped. The cute bird was still alive, writhing around in pain. The black bird gave one last coup de grace, and crushed the cute bird's head inside of its massive talons. The carcass looked appetizing to the bird. It ate the flesh and organs of the cute bird with glee. But, it wanted more. The black bird shot up again in hopes of finding new food. Slatera laughed at the birds hunting. It was truly impure. Such a creature could not have been created by one of those "pure" gods. His body slowly became dust that disappeared in the grass. He was leaving, as his first job was done.