[center][img]https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRRVVf483ii078-2XMFwpECj6SA-KLh2TCE4AAUHQD4UWGTOZdF[/img][/center] Once upon a time, deep within the mountains there was a small town, overcome with gloom. The townsfolk went about their daily chores like clockwork, without ever stopping to smell the flowers or say hello to a neighbor. One day, the Harvest Goddess was observing the sad town from her place in the woods, and her heart was filled with sorrow; the land here was so bountiful and filled with beauty. It didn't seem right for the townspeople to walk about with their eyes turned down and their hearts closed off. That day, the goddess placed a blessing on the town; she put bliss and love into the hearts of the people and it would carry on through their future generations. That little town is still thriving in a valley in the mountains. The people have come to know friendship and love for each other, building a strong sense of community that fills each generation with life. ~~~ [center][img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRHH_PMkq_xW33eh5cOc96J1TqsUfbAL7TynKwP6D8uddWtUQqvZQ[/img][/center] "Welcome to our humble village! There is much to be done; we need many different services from all kinds of people. Please, take up a piece of land and establish yourself. Help us continue to grow our beautiful home!" [b]This will be an open world roleplay; you may play the role of whatever you like. Here's a list of ideas:[/b] Farmer Carpenter Wine Maker Doctor Nurse Inn Keeper Patrol Officer Father at the local church Fisherman Mayor Traveller Botanist Librarian Barkeep The possibilities are as endless as your imagination! Build a home! Find love! Have a full family! Collect stones! Whatever you like <3 ~~~ [b]Character Sheet Skeleton:[/b] Name: Gender: Age: Title: (Your job) Family/Relationships: Living Location: Personality: (Doesn't have to be detailed) Backstory: (Doesn't have to be detailed) Likes/Dislikes: In game birthday: ~~~ [b]Current Characters[/b] [list][*]Name/Gender/Age/Occupation[/*] [*]Esetelle Jacaranda/Female/24/BL Novelist[/*] [*]Clarience Amabillis/Female/21/Artist[/*][/list]