[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/lYcJXcj.png[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Clarience Amabillis [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Title:[/b] Artist/Painter [b]Family/Relationships:[/b] None at the moment, she's too busy painting. She has little contact with her family, of course they do send letters back and forth occasionally. [b]Living Location:[/b] Art Store [b]Personality:[/b] Seemingly very distant, she looks to be very detached from world at times. A forlorn expression is usually present and she tends to be very enigmatic. Often nicknamed the Ice Queen. True to her nature, she tends to be quite lax and takes frequent naps throughout the day and often pushes her responsibilities aside. This has caused more than enough trouble for her as she often skips out on many important business and/or potential sales in her art pieces. [b]Backstory:[/b] Clarience moved here to paint the scenery around her, she is often times seen carrying around a canvas and paint supplies when she isn't in her shop. She has trouble associating herself to the townspeople but they know that she exists. Her family had wanted her to hold up the doctoring business, however the young girl wasn't fond of such a life and left to pursue her dream. Although she did disappoint her family, they still supported her with her career and helped her when money grew thin. [b]Likes/Dislikes:[/b] She enjoys painting - of course -, and has an affinity for small details - The petals of a flower, fresh dew on grass, etc. -, she is quite fond of warm things such as sweaters or blankets and hugging is also a big plus since people are practically walking heaters. She extremely dislikes talkative people, and will most likely fall asleep when they speak with her. [b]In game birthday:[/b] Spring 6th[/center]