[quote]Oisreve, God of Destruction[/quote] I see you're one of the few RPers I know that write whole cohesive backstories to their characters. Veeery interesting. Right, so, correct me if I'm wrong, this God can destroy "targets" mentally and physically, as well as destroy whole areas. What do you think your character will do once Creation is done? Hell, will he participate in The Creation? I also assume this kind of "destructive God" has some sort of rudimentary moral system or code and won't just destroy everything at random. [quote=Singularity] Did I misread something? I was sure humans were created. Anyways, I was vague about what Cyrilla provided the seed of wisdom to. Tell me if I should fix anything. [/quote] Humans weren't spawned yet. I think you got confused because I posted an OOC post stating that Balsis will annonce to humans that Gods exist [i]when they'll be created.[/i]