[quote=DancingEagle] I see you're one of the few RPers I know that write whole cohesive backstories to their characters. Veeery interesting.Right, so, correct me if I'm wrong, this God can destroy "targets" mentally and physically, as well as destroy whole areas. What do you think your character will do once Creation is done? Hell, will he participate in The Creation? [/quote] Thank you, I try to be as cohesive as possible. Let me answer your questions there, DancingEagle. 1. He can destroy these targets, yes, however the matter of which it happens depends on what biological, or basic structure they are made of, therefore a house may crumble and a human will fall at the hands of maybe another, for example. (Regarding the mental point, whilst initially I didn't think of having him control the domain of mental destruction, but considering that mental destruction is literally within his domain, it wouldn't be beyond him. It may also be a cause to madness without being directly under madness' influence.) 2. No, he will not. He would be born from the reactions after man was created, considering he needs the Holy Regelian Empire to exist, since he was born from the first conflict between the Empire and another foe, a conflict which brought great ruin to the entire empire and put the once great spires into ruined depictions of their former selves.