[b]Wire[/b] Mark had a pleasant room. It was alabaster white, had a desk and a computer, a bed and a nightstand, a kitchen and a sink. One wall was lined with books and another with boxes. Most of the boxes corresponded to a set of books, and inside each box was a skill. Whether it was knotting or knife throwing, everything he needed to be proficient in was probably tucked away on those two walls. These were given to him to work through over the years and in an attempt to trick him into believing he was not where he was. In a cell. Today he was particularly aware of this. One box and seven books were missing from the corner, and he had a pencil in his hand. Sketching, particularly faces, was the talent he was now working on. It was dull and he did not fully see the point of such an exercise, but he wasn't in a position to refuse orders. No matter how old they may be. However, as he found himself doodling the girl in the tube, his computer issued a set of high pitched beeps. A beep was exactly what he wanted to hear. As the world came to a halt, he listened intently to the memo being read faster than a human could hear. He was being assigned to act as a guard to one "Ruby" and it was signed by the boss. She was a technopath if he remembered correctly, and had been quite active. It would definitely be interesting to work with her. He packed away the box, set the books upon the nightstand and grabbed his bandolier and his handcannon. With black combat trousers and a green t-shirt, Wire opened his door and left to fulfill his new mission. Inactivity was a terrible thing to be held captive by.