The teleportation gate doors opened and a thick cloud of smoke escaped as a boy with pink hair emerged. Hex cupped his hand over his mouth to conceal a nasty cough that was set off by the machine smoke. Squinting his eyes, he scanned the base of operations and stepped completely out of the gate. [b]"That's some nasty shit,"[/b] he said, still hacking into his hand. The base was completely decked out with the top of the line materials and even had somewhere to eat. Hex always loved the smell of a new place. Scratching his head, he noticed that others had already arrived and were getting acquainted with one another. This whole Young Justice thing was still sketchy to him. His mind told him that it was a just a trick to turn himself in and that they were gonna immediately haul him away to some high max prison for villains. His body tensed at the thought and was ready for what was to come. However his gut told him that he had nothing to worry about. Hex could never really tell which one to follow. These were superheroes for crying out loud. They never lie, do they? They wouldn't trick me, he thought. He didn't really know the true morals of heroes as he had been raised with villain parents. He was taught that they were the enemy and nothing more. Hex could feel his internal conflicts fighting each other like rabid dogs. Hex just shrugged and started towards the heroes. [b]"Hex,"[/b] he said introducing himself. He glanced over at the teleporter's pizza in his hands with glowing blue eyes, snapped his fingers, and caused it to fall cheese first on the floor. [b]"Bringer of bad luck."[/b] He continued to walk towards the kitchen to help himself to a glass of water.