Fleet Nova of the Korwrath Confederacy was the largest of the Capital Fleets with a total of four hundred and thirty four ships and about little under half of that being warships. This fleet was currently in a high orbit around the fourth planet of the Kali System which appeared to be a lush planet with a single large ocean dominating most of the planet and several large cities dotting the surface. If you looked closely at the surface of the planet from space you could see that most of the cities were billowing with large clouds of black smoke as they slowly burned to the ground. The fleets twenty heavy cruisers were the closest ships to the planet as they hung in slow orbit with streams of dropships coming and going as they carried troops to and from the front lines of the battle for the planet. Grand Admiral Nak Ro stood on the bridge of one of the Capital ships with one screen on the wall displaying the faces of the other two Grand Admirals as they listened to the report of one of their field commanders. "Yes sir, it seems as though the local resistance is starting to let up. We should have this battle one in another day or two, one thing I do need to add is that this planet's atmosphere does not seem to be favorable to our kind and it may take a week or longer to terraform this planet." "Thank you Commander. You are dismissed for now." The screen showing the White helmet turned off and was replaced with a display of the planet. Nak Ro turned his attention back to the other two Grand Admirals who had each been given their own screens now. "Well gentlemen, it looks like we may be here for a while." One of the Admirals who was the oldest of the three and had a large scar on his face that seemed to be cause to why he had lost one of his right eyes, did not seem to be please by the answer. "That is to long to stay in one place. Even more so since we just attacked one of the colony worlds of these people, we do not know their capabilities and that is what worries me the most." "We need the resources of this planet to fuel our colonization efforts across the galaxy." Nak Ro responded as he paced back and forth on the bridge as he weighted the odds of them staying in orbit. "The resources of this planet are trivial at best compared to what the asteroid can pump out in a day or mining." The Third Admiral chimed in. "But with that being said the civilians are growing weary and need a planet to colonize. It has been a decade since our last land fall attempt and this would do good for morale." "It looks like we are at an agreement than, with a vote of two to one we shall remain in orbit until the colonization the planet now dubbed Vertigo is complete" With that final announcement the screens were shut off and Nak Ro slumped into his chair as he watched the live feed of the Korwrath army as it matched through every city on the planet simultaneously while the broken hulls of enemy ships got caught in the gravity of the planet and created small meteor showers as they broke and burned up in the atmosphere.