Arvo pursed his lips together absentmindedly as he walked down the school hall slowly, the short boy glanced around with a pretty confused look on his face. This was his first day of this whole exchange student program and.. Well, they said that someone would show him around! He didn’t think he’d have to go a dang scavenger hunt to find them though. He had thought they were going to meet up in the front office or something, but nope! They just told him their name, and a kind of vague description of what they looked like before they pretty much shoved him out into the busy school. Uh, well, hes glad that he doesn’t actually have any classes today, because he’d be absolutely clueless. Like what, they just gonna give him a door color and a vague description of the teacher or something? S h e e s h. As Arvo turned a corner, he had spotted a boy who seemed to fit what he was told! Also they really weren’t kidding with the ” super tall ” thing, huh? He just took another quick, nervous glance around before he made his way over to the other. Ben hadn’t seemed to notice him at first, he was too busy digging through his bag for something, so Arvo just gave him a quick tap of the shoulder. ❝ Uh, excuse me? ❞ He said, an awkward smile spreading across his face as he spoke up, not really expecting the reaction he was going to get here in a moment. ❝ Are.. Uh, You is Ben Paul, yes? I be told that they would show around school and things, so uh.. ❞ ❝ If not him, d-do know him? I sorry, was not given much help with find them and uh.. ❞