[quote=makarov] The king had a higher sense for flair than what Kadan would like but he had to admit showing up through the teleporter with the sound of the royal sea conchs playing was dramatic to say the very least. As he stepped into the teleporter he took one long last look at his family, and waved them goodbye, "I will return father! A champion of earth!" And with that he pressed the button and zipped through the teleporter, as he came out the other side the royal conchs started playing so loudly it rattled the windows of the new base, Kadan stood there with the a cold militaristic look about him and when the royal introduction stopped he cleared his throat and saluted his new teammates, "Good morning surface dwellers I am Kadan...you may call me Riptide...or Kadan I care neither way. The king of Atlantis sends his regards and myself as his voice to the team...it is a pleasure to meet you all." [/quote] ((I'm gonna use quotes for blink,italics for Toonster,and Bold for corrupt) "it's a pleasure to meet you too,But ,CAN YOU PLEASE NOT USE THE CONCH SHELLS!" He says rubbing his head "My ears hurt" Corrupt and Toonster walk thru the portal [b]Hey Blink ,we've been searching all over for ya[/B] [i]yeah dude ,we both traveled the world in a fancy airplane I ,uh ,borrowed form Batman[/i] [B]you did that not me[/b] Corrupt says growling "well sort about that ,I just was a bit lost and distracted,I have to be able to fully visualize where I'm going" [b] save the excuses[/b]