[quote=Saarebas] Korand'r let out a loud laugh when he heard Korrin's response to his hug. He said patting Korrin's shoulder. He was about to continue when he noticed the new comer to the room. Korand'r exclaimed with a grin to the girl. He watched as she demonstrated her ability to shape shift. He said before he rushed over to her in a blur of purple. When he reached Jain he hugged her, lifting her off of the ground just like Korrin. He would say before releasing her and offering her a huge grin. He then noticed someone teleport into the room and he repeated the same process of rushing over to the new comer in a blur of purple light. He said before scooping Jack up in a hug. He would say before putting him back down. He then turned to the sound of the teleporter cutting on and a pink haired teen emerging from smoke. As before he would rush over to the new arrival and pick him up in a hug. He would say before setting Hex down. He then turned to the teleporter again to be greeted to the sight of a new arrival sound of loud conch shells playing. The same blur of purple would come again as he moved to the new arrival and pick him up in the same hug as the others. He would say before releasing Kaden. As the last two arrivals made their way into the room Korand'r would rush over to them in the same haze of purple light as before. He would then pick both of them up in each arm and pull them in for a hug. He would say before setting them down and turning to the whole of the group, a large grin still on his face. [/quote] Corrupt just slides out of korand'rs arm,while toon is nearly suffocated. [i]ya must really love hugs don't you?[/i]