[b]Elora[/b] Elora took her time finishing the glass of wine in her hand, listening quietly to the conversations going on around her. Both Angelo and Ella had retired for the evening and she knew that a good night's rest was well and truly needed. She had spent the majority of the week travelling to Denerim from Highever and it was a rare comfort to have an actual bed to sleep in. She should make the most of it while she could. Although she would have liked to sit up and learn of their task in greater detail, they would have time to speak on the road. "I will head back to the tavern and collect my things," she announced as she rose to her feet. The assassin threw her cloak around her shoulders once more, her slender fingers clasping it closed at the base of her neck, Her gaze flickered over to where Altha sat with his letters and documents. "I will return shortly. Best not to leave anything of value in a building I'm not remaining in." She crossed the room to the entranceway, removing a dagger from her waist and holding it in her hand beneath her cloak. By now the tavern would be filled with drunks and she was eager to be in and out as quickly as possible. She did not believe that she would find much trouble but it was always best to be prepared, regardless.