Ajax left the Hero of Time, who'd obviously been stunned into silence after having his precious sword so easily taken from him, and strolled up to his companions, not just Jack and Bee but the two other that had been hanging about away from them and had now approached. He handwaved their requests for a drink. "Sorry, was just trying to be polite but I don't share unless people have their own glass. Drinking from the same flask is gross". As for the choice of fighting or sneaking in and grabbing...whatever it was they were there to get, well "If I'm going to take something from someone I'll do it openly, not skulking around like some sneak-thief. Besides, we probably have to kill Ganon to get the endgame treasure or something". Now the only issue was getting up there. It wasn't the throw itself, Ajax could manage that, but that Castle Ganon had no windows or anything of the sort that he could see. It was actually rather smart, as far as preventing invasion and projectiles went. He figured the place got air some other way but it wasn't time to worry about that. He turned to Bee. "So, I can probably get you up there. Not the top, though. I'm a puncher, not a thrower, but still pretty damn high. Can't see any real entry points, tho, and who knows if he's got crap protecting the walls now. Want me to throw you at the door and we work our way up from there? I can throw you in too, Jack. You two as well, whatever your names are".